Fishermen troll for everything from crappies, bass and walleye to trout, salmon and saltwater species such as tuna huge sailfish and marlin.
Line counter Reels.

Line Counter Reels have been developed to allow you to play carefully trollers models and eliminate the guesswork. The main division between the different trolling reels is adding a line counter, but other factors are also important. Within the group of line counter reels designs measurement line and recompense for the downward spiral of a spool’s diameter, which affects the measurement. Most counters line number of books manual of revolutionize made by the spool. calibration to compensate for variations in spool diameter, the line is paid via the test line of 12 pounds as a standard.
Electric Line Counters.
Electric line counter are more sophisticated and offer comfort to calibrate the exact size of the line you are using, but the planning process has a steep learning curve. The settings can be very tedious to implement, with small buttons to push individually or in combination. Even if they are inherently more accurate, with electronic meters also have the additional burden of ensuring that the batteries are replaced and there is always the possibility of LCD screen with sensitive electronics exposed to the elements. If you catch a fish with line counter set to 96, five consecutive stages, and if you're really leaving only 95 feet of line? I would say it is not likely to take another step. However, if you're a lover of accuracy and not mind fiddling with a little programming, go for the electric counter.
Line Capacity.
line capacity is mainly a problem when fishing for a species that has the ability to strip a reel, which is essentially a problem of salt water; However, if you're fishing freshwater deep seriously and must pay a large number of line, you may find yourself short of space to work with a small spool queue. Here are some questions to consider.
1. What species are target?
- A 12 pounds walleye and 12 pounds marker produce dramatically different struggles.
2. What lures you intend on using, and at what depth?
- Lures have a diving depth and the size of their lips and the speed is lagging behind. The lure you choose determines the amount of the line has to go to reach a required depth.
3. Are you going to use monofilament, braided line or lead core?
- Braided lines have a smaller diameter and therefore create less drag in the water, led to a recall more with less line. Beyond the advantage of having a harder line with a smaller diameter, braid will allow you to load lengths of monofilament line that the traditional weight same test. baselines are simply driving a core of lead or other heavy metals which is surrounded by a braided screen. This makes the basic guidelines for a larger diameter than the monofilament test and even book a spool over are required to maintain the capacity of the line.
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